Ralda Nehme, PhD
Principal Investigator
Ralda Nehme is a principal investigator in the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she also directs the stem cell program. Nehme has received recognition and funding from numerous groups, including the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, the Maternal and Child Health Research Institute at Stanford University, and the National Institute of Mental Health. Nehme received her B.S. at the American University of Beirut. She completed her Ph.D. at Dartmouth College, where she studied neuronal development in C. elegans. She then conducted postdoctoral research at Harvard University, where she became interested in modeling psychiatric disease, and developed efficient methods to generate human stem cell-derived neural cells.
Current lab members
Derek Hawes
Lab operations supervisor
Vy Ngo, PhD
Co-mentored with Sami Farhi
Milena Andzelm, MD, PhD
Instructor, HMS
Co-mentored with Steve McCarroll
Jax Xu, PhD
Co-mentored with Sami Farhi
Rachel Battaglia, PhD
Diogo Marques, PhD
Margaret Ho, PhD
Co-mentored with Evan Macosko
Adrianna Maglieri
Project coordinator
Sonia Bolshakova, MS
Computational Associate
Sartaj Habib
Research Associate
Ilinca Mazureac
Research Associate
Autumn Johnson
Research Associate
Sarah Rojas
Undergraduate student
Emily Hansen
Undergraduate student
Akhilsai Damera
Undergraduate student
Noah Pettinari
Computational Associate
Jointly mentored with Steve McCarroll
Dhara Liyanage
Undergraduate student
Now: RA, Rockefeller University
Connie Yu
Undergraduate student
Now: RA, Harvard University
Matthew Tegtmeyer
Graduate (Doctoral) Student
Now: Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Isabel Flessas
Undergraduate student
Now: RA, Harvard University
Serwah Danquah
Research Associate
Now: Ph.D. candidate, University of Washington
Vera Valakh, PhD
Research Scientist
Now: principal scientist,
Stoke Therapeutics
Emily Peirent
Research Associate
Now: Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan
Ethan Crouse
Research Associate
Now: in Boulder, CO
Hilena Gebre
Research Associate
Now: medical student at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Kathryn Boit
Undergraduate student
Now: Ph.D. candidate, Yale University
Aditi Trehan
Research Associate
Now: Ph.D. candidate, Columbia University
Theresa Chen
Research Associate
Now: Ph.D. candidate, University of Washington
Autumn Bandy
Summer student, New Mexico State University
Jesus Velazques
Summer student, UCLA
Marina Saffold
Summer student, Pomona College
Sovann Woodin
Summer student, Bunker Hill Community College
Shaday Ricker
Summer student, Bunker Hill Community College
Adhvaith Sridhar
Maria Girgis
Eman Abdurezak
Neena Tarafdar
Isaac Schueng
Siddarth Nirgudkar